Virtual Meet - Indian SGF

On 13th May 2023, the National Council held a review meeting on virtual platform. Attended by 32 members, the Meeting was moderated by Seema Rathi Secretary General and Chaired by M.A.K.Mecci - President Executive. Three Council members had sent their apology for being unable to attend the meeting. After the Scout-Guide prayer, Madhu Kalia, Advisor gave the welcome address. Sujaya presented the Minutes of the previous National Council Meeting held on 11th February 2023. M.A.K.Mecci addressed the council about the importance of visibility of Ind.SGF and the need for each Council Member to work towards the image building and social presence of the organisation. All the various team members gave updates of their working and progress. National Treasurer shared the Annual Balance Sheet of Ind.SGF and gave details of the accounts. M.M.Rathi briefed the members about the proposed project of the upcoming Activity Centre at Alwar and how not only the Resources Team, but each Council Member can work/contribute towards arranging the necessary funds. Seema Rathi listed out the event schedule of the Virtual Camp-fire, Film-Festival, WSJ-South Korea, and National Assembly/Gathering. Dr.Pradeep updated the Council Members about the Ind.SGF Delegation to WSJ during August 2023. The meeting concluded with Vote of Thanks by Dr.Deepak Patel.